Role of Education

Equipping is just one part of a more holistic approach to education.

Education is not filling a bucket but lighting a fire.
— W B Yeats
There are two educations. One should teach us how to make a living and the other how to live.
— John Adams, 2nd President of the USA
Life eternal through learning
(विद्या अमृतमश्नुते)

Equipping children with the necessary tools for their future is an indispensable part of education, yet it is not the entirety of what they actually may require. Schools have traditionally been adept at upskilling students, providing them with knowledge skills, physical fitness, co-curricular activities, and social skills to ensure they are well-prepared for the practical demands of the future. However, there is a growing recognition that equipping is just one part of a more holistic approach to education.

To truly enrich the lives of students, we must also prioritize their mental, emotional and spiritual well-being; let’s say we must teach our children some life skills. This is where the ancient practice of Anapana and Vipassana Meditation become relevant.