Children today

Need some skills to meet the challenges facing them and to develop their full potential.

Exam Stress
Parent expectations & Peer pressure
Temptations - Mobile phones
Temptations - TV
Temptations - Pornography
Temptations - Junk food – binge eating
Navigating relationships - Parents
Navigating relationships - Opposite gender
Handful of jobs & an Army of unemployed Youth

Children today are growing up in a rapidly changing world. It is so commonplace to see children today obsessed with mobile phones, pornography, games and junk food. Unable to handle themselves, their studies, relationships with parents and the opposite gender, they get overwhelmed by stress or trapped in addictions and temptations that are so easily accessible today. This often leads to physical & psychological ailments.

Children need some skills to meet the challenges facing them and to develop their full potential. The period of adolescence is a crucial period where children should learn how to develop right discrimination, how to sift between the right and the wrong so that they can progress in a wholesome manner in life. In which school can our children learn such life skills?